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Green coffee is made ​​from green i.e. unroasted 100% Arabica green coffee beans from organic farming. It can be drunk like any coffee specialty. Raw coffee beans are also added to some coffee blends in the Arabian region. Green coffee acts similar to the brown variant of roasted beans – slightly stimulating. But it is believed to have also a lot of other positive effects on our body, which is increasingly being discussed also in Germany.


Important Note: If you have any health concerns regarding the tolerance of green coffee we expressly recommend you contact your doctor for consultation before taking green coffee.


Green Coffee Recipe



Ingredients (per 1 serving):
- 10 g of green coffee beans (type Arabica, from organic farming)
- 150 ml of hot water
- if desired: sugar, honey or cardamom



Preparation method using whole green coffee beans.

  1. Let green coffee beans soak overnight in a measured amount of water (since this preparation method is quite time consuming, we recommend to make several servings at once)
  2. The next day stir the water with beans, put it on the stove and bring to boil. Then reduce the heat and let simmer for about 15 minutes over low heat. Stir occasionally.
  3. Remove from heat and let cool for about 1 hour, then pour through a sieve and remove the beans.
  4. The coffee drink you have received might be very strong. So try it first and dilute with water if needed.
  5. The healthy green coffee beverage is now ready to drink! You might want to refine it with sugar, honey or cardamom.

The rest can be stored in a glass container in the refrigerator and should be used up within 2 - 3 days.

TIP: You will achieve best results if you use filtered or distilled water.


Alternative preparation:

Preparation method using ground green coffee beans.

  1. Put the ground green coffee in a cup and pour hot water over it (approx. 90 ° C).
  2. Let stand for about 10 minutes and then filter the broth through a fine sieve.
  3. The healthy green coffee beverage is now ready to drink! You might want to refine it with sugar, honey or cardamom.

Dosage: 1 cup after each main meal.

Green Coffee Extract is a concentrated essence of the green coffee. It is nothing else but green coffee broth (i.e. a beverage prepared from green coffee beans) out of which water has been extracted in gentle steaming / drying processes.

Taste: Green coffee does not taste like conventional coffee made of roasted coffee beans. The beverage has little flavours and a neutral, slightly herbal taste of peas, similar to a green tea.

One more TIP: Try also coffee prepared from the following mixture: 65% roasted and 35% unroasted / green coffee beans.


Order now and try it out:



  Green coffee is made ​​from green i.e. unroasted 100% Arabica green coffee beans from organic farming. It can be drunk like any coffee specialty. Raw coffee beans are also added to... read more »
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Green coffee is made ​​from green i.e. unroasted 100% Arabica green coffee beans from organic farming. It can be drunk like any coffee specialty. Raw coffee beans are also added to some coffee blends in the Arabian region. Green coffee acts similar to the brown variant of roasted beans – slightly stimulating. But it is believed to have also a lot of other positive effects on our body, which is increasingly being discussed also in Germany.


Important Note: If you have any health concerns regarding the tolerance of green coffee we expressly recommend you contact your doctor for consultation before taking green coffee.


Green Coffee Recipe



Ingredients (per 1 serving):
- 10 g of green coffee beans (type Arabica, from organic farming)
- 150 ml of hot water
- if desired: sugar, honey or cardamom



Preparation method using whole green coffee beans.

  1. Let green coffee beans soak overnight in a measured amount of water (since this preparation method is quite time consuming, we recommend to make several servings at once)
  2. The next day stir the water with beans, put it on the stove and bring to boil. Then reduce the heat and let simmer for about 15 minutes over low heat. Stir occasionally.
  3. Remove from heat and let cool for about 1 hour, then pour through a sieve and remove the beans.
  4. The coffee drink you have received might be very strong. So try it first and dilute with water if needed.
  5. The healthy green coffee beverage is now ready to drink! You might want to refine it with sugar, honey or cardamom.

The rest can be stored in a glass container in the refrigerator and should be used up within 2 - 3 days.

TIP: You will achieve best results if you use filtered or distilled water.


Alternative preparation:

Preparation method using ground green coffee beans.

  1. Put the ground green coffee in a cup and pour hot water over it (approx. 90 ° C).
  2. Let stand for about 10 minutes and then filter the broth through a fine sieve.
  3. The healthy green coffee beverage is now ready to drink! You might want to refine it with sugar, honey or cardamom.

Dosage: 1 cup after each main meal.

Green Coffee Extract is a concentrated essence of the green coffee. It is nothing else but green coffee broth (i.e. a beverage prepared from green coffee beans) out of which water has been extracted in gentle steaming / drying processes.

Taste: Green coffee does not taste like conventional coffee made of roasted coffee beans. The beverage has little flavours and a neutral, slightly herbal taste of peas, similar to a green tea.

One more TIP: Try also coffee prepared from the following mixture: 65% roasted and 35% unroasted / green coffee beans.


Order now and try it out:



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