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Coffee is a small red fruit (coffee cherry or coffee berry) which has to go through a long process before it turns into a well-known tasty brown coffee bean. Once the fruit skin of the coffee cherries has been removed, small green beans appear. After being dried the parchment skin is removed. Dry green coffee beans are called raw coffee / raw coffee beans. At this stage they are shipped to coffee roasters all over the world. Because of its green colour raw coffee is often referred to as green coffee.


  Coffee is a small red fruit (coffee cherry or coffee berry) which has to go through a long process before it turns into a well-known tasty brown coffee bean. Once the fruit skin of... read more »
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Coffee is a small red fruit (coffee cherry or coffee berry) which has to go through a long process before it turns into a well-known tasty brown coffee bean. Once the fruit skin of the coffee cherries has been removed, small green beans appear. After being dried the parchment skin is removed. Dry green coffee beans are called raw coffee / raw coffee beans. At this stage they are shipped to coffee roasters all over the world. Because of its green colour raw coffee is often referred to as green coffee.


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