New weight-loss hype from the USA - Green Coffee
Green coffee is supposed to help by weight loss without changing your eating habits.
Many websites report about amazing results of a green coffee diet. Concentrated extract from green coffee beans should stimulate fat burnings. The effect is down to one ingredient - the chlorogenic acid - whose concentration is significantly higher in the green coffee than in its black variant – roasted coffee.
The trend comes from the USA and has been spreading in Germany for several months. Those willing to lose weight can buy numerous products on the internet now, mostly in the form of capsules or powder. Both options are not cheap. 120 capsules cost often around 30 euros.
But is it all true? Does green coffee really help in the slimming process?
First study results indicate that the beans actually do help to lose weight. Researchers at the University of Scranton in Pennsylvania let 16 slightly overweight test persons take capsules with chlorogenic acid for 22 weeks. They took a high dose of it in the first 6 weeks, a low dose in the further 6 weeks and a placebo for the rest of the time. Between the dosage changes the participants swallowed no capsules for 2 weeks. Although the test persons had not changed their eating habits and had not exercise more than usual, they weighed on average eight kilogram less at the end of the study. The percentage of their body fat had also reduced. The result of another study: The American television channel "OZ" tested the impact of green coffee on 200 viewers. Half of them took two weeks long chlorogenic acid capsules, the other half a placebo. And also here the first group had lost weight – an average of one kilogram.
Chlorogenic acid inhibits the absorption of glucose
Both studies have one in common - their participants lost weight significantly. Nutritionists attribute this to the chlorogenic acid. The acid takes effect in the intestine and inhibits or prevents the absorption of glucose into the blood. After meals chlorogenic acid suppresses the increase of blood sugar levels. High blood sugar leads to fat formation, which can be prevented by the acid and which explains the significant decrease of body fat of the test persons in the U.S. study.
Important Note: If you have any health concerns regarding the tolerance of green coffee we expressly recommend you contact your doctor for consultation before taking green coffee.
Buy Green coffee beans now and prepare the green coffee extract yourself:
New weight-loss hype from the USA - Green Coffee Green coffee is supposed to help by weight loss without changing your eating habits. Many websites report...
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New weight-loss hype from the USA - Green Coffee
Green coffee is supposed to help by weight loss without changing your eating habits.
Many websites report about amazing results of a green coffee diet. Concentrated extract from green coffee beans should stimulate fat burnings. The effect is down to one ingredient - the chlorogenic acid - whose concentration is significantly higher in the green coffee than in its black variant – roasted coffee.
The trend comes from the USA and has been spreading in Germany for several months. Those willing to lose weight can buy numerous products on the internet now, mostly in the form of capsules or powder. Both options are not cheap. 120 capsules cost often around 30 euros.
But is it all true? Does green coffee really help in the slimming process?
First study results indicate that the beans actually do help to lose weight. Researchers at the University of Scranton in Pennsylvania let 16 slightly overweight test persons take capsules with chlorogenic acid for 22 weeks. They took a high dose of it in the first 6 weeks, a low dose in the further 6 weeks and a placebo for the rest of the time. Between the dosage changes the participants swallowed no capsules for 2 weeks. Although the test persons had not changed their eating habits and had not exercise more than usual, they weighed on average eight kilogram less at the end of the study. The percentage of their body fat had also reduced. The result of another study: The American television channel "OZ" tested the impact of green coffee on 200 viewers. Half of them took two weeks long chlorogenic acid capsules, the other half a placebo. And also here the first group had lost weight – an average of one kilogram.
Chlorogenic acid inhibits the absorption of glucose
Both studies have one in common - their participants lost weight significantly. Nutritionists attribute this to the chlorogenic acid. The acid takes effect in the intestine and inhibits or prevents the absorption of glucose into the blood. After meals chlorogenic acid suppresses the increase of blood sugar levels. High blood sugar leads to fat formation, which can be prevented by the acid and which explains the significant decrease of body fat of the test persons in the U.S. study.
Important Note: If you have any health concerns regarding the tolerance of green coffee we expressly recommend you contact your doctor for consultation before taking green coffee.
Buy Green coffee beans now and prepare the green coffee extract yourself: