For all those who want or need to avoid caffeine, but still want to enjoy an excellent cup of home-roasted coffee.
This high-quality Arabica green coffee comes from the region Guaxupe in Brazil. It has been decaffeinated in a direct DCM process (with dichloromethane). In accordance with the EU guidelines, this coffee has a residual caffeine content of less than 0.1%.
It is called "Fine Cup", which is a very accurate expression of its excellent quality.
For all those who want or need to avoid caffeine , but still want to enjoy an excellent cup of home-roasted coffee . Th is high-quality Arabica green...
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For all those who want or need to avoid caffeine, but still want to enjoy an excellent cup of home-roasted coffee.
This high-quality Arabica green coffee comes from the region Guaxupe in Brazil. It has been decaffeinated in a direct DCM process (with dichloromethane). In accordance with the EU guidelines, this coffee has a residual caffeine content of less than 0.1%.
It is called "Fine Cup", which is a very accurate expression of its excellent quality.