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Coffees from Central America are known for their gentle aromatic flavour and often low acid content. Most important coffee producers are Nicaragua, Honduras, Costa Rica, Guatemala and Panama. Tarrazu from Costa Rica is recognised as one of the best coffees  in the world.  This Arabica sort has a wonderful aroma and a mild balanced flavour. The favorable climate conditions greatly contribute to the high quality of the coffees.


Coffees from Central America are known for their gentle aromatic flavour and often low acid content. Most important coffee producers are Nicaragua, Honduras, Costa Rica, Guatemala and... read more »
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Coffees from Central America are known for their gentle aromatic flavour and often low acid content. Most important coffee producers are Nicaragua, Honduras, Costa Rica, Guatemala and Panama. Tarrazu from Costa Rica is recognised as one of the best coffees  in the world.  This Arabica sort has a wonderful aroma and a mild balanced flavour. The favorable climate conditions greatly contribute to the high quality of the coffees.


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Organic green coffee beans - Arabica Nicaragua Jinotega Organic green coffee beans - Arabica Nicaragua...
This coffee comes from the the highlands of the Jinotega region. It is grown in a traditional mixed culture (mixed crops) under the shades of trees, at a height of 1200 m, where it is hand-picked and processed carefully. It is an organic...
Content 0.5 kg (19.80€ * / 1 kg)
From 9.90€ *
Green Coffee Beans Arabica - Guatemala Antigua Green Coffee Beans Arabica - Guatemala Antigua
Antigua, the most famous growing region of noble highland coffees in Guatemala is located at 1530 meters above sea level. The volcanic soil of the Atitlan volcano and the rain of Pacific origin help this coffee grow and become one of the...
Content 0.5 kg (17.00€ * / 1 kg)
From 8.50€ *
Organic green coffee beans - Arabica Honduras Highland Organic green coffee beans - Arabica Honduras...
The mild climate and fertile soils of Honduras are a guarantee for a high-quality coffee. The Honduras Highland coffee thrives between 1500 and 2000 meters above sea level to achieve its exquisite quality and is therefore called SHG...
Content 0.5 kg (17.00€ * / 1 kg)
From 8.50€ *
Green Coffee Beans - Arabica Costa Rica Tarrazu Green Coffee Beans - Arabica Costa Rica Tarrazu
If you want to give your nose a treat then put it in a bag of freshly ground Costa Rican coffee, hardly any coffee smells better. The growing region Tarrazu is located in the center of the country, south of the capital San Jose, and has...
Content 0.5 kg (18.20€ * / 1 kg)
From 9.10€ *
Organic green coffee beans - Arabica Mexico Flamingo Organic green coffee beans - Arabica Mexico...
Mexico is considered as a pioneer in terms of cultivation of organic coffee. The coffee farmers strive to minimise the use of fungicides and use bees as pest control. The main part of the coffee production in Mexico is now grown...
Content 0.5 kg (17.00€ * / 1 kg)
From 8.50€ *