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What is green coffee and what advantages does it have over roast coffee? Is there a difference between raw coffee and green coffee? Where does coffee grow and what types of coffee do we have? Here we give answers to all those questions:


  What is green coffee and what advantages does it have over roast coffee? Is there a difference between raw coffee and green coffee? Where does coffee grow and what types of... read more »
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What is green coffee and what advantages does it have over roast coffee? Is there a difference between raw coffee and green coffee? Where does coffee grow and what types of coffee do we have? Here we give answers to all those questions:


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Decaf Green Coffee Arabica Brasil Guaxupe Decaf Green Coffee Arabica Brasil Guaxupe
For all those who want to avoid caffeine , but still want to enjoy an excellent cup of home-roasted coffee . Th is high-quality Arabica green coffee comes from the Brazilian producing region Guaxupe in the state of Minas Gerais . It has...
Content 0.5 kg (14.40€ * / 1 kg)
From 7.20€ *