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Green coffee beans are, in contrast to roasted coffee beans, very hard and contain some rest of moisture. It is therefore not easy to grind them.

Most mills used for grinding roasted coffee beans are not suitable for grinding raw coffee beans. Most hand-mills with a stone or ceramic grinder (burr grinders) and grinders in automatic coffee machines (e.g. disc mill) can be damaged already at the first grinding attempt. So we strongly advise you not to try it!



  Green coffee beans are, in contrast to roasted coffee beans, very hard and contain some rest of moisture. It is therefore not easy to grind them. Most mills used for grinding... read more »
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Green coffee beans are, in contrast to roasted coffee beans, very hard and contain some rest of moisture. It is therefore not easy to grind them.

Most mills used for grinding roasted coffee beans are not suitable for grinding raw coffee beans. Most hand-mills with a stone or ceramic grinder (burr grinders) and grinders in automatic coffee machines (e.g. disc mill) can be damaged already at the first grinding attempt. So we strongly advise you not to try it!



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Organic Green coffee powder 100% Robusta India Organic Green coffee powder 100% Robusta India
This organic green coffee is ground & unroasted . It was ground in a special process , under a mild and cold treatment. O ur special grinding process helps to preserve the valuable ingredients of the green coffee . We work with no...
Content 0.5 kg (16.60€ * / 1 kg)
From 8.30€ *
Green coffee powder 100% Robusta India Green coffee powder 100% Robusta India
This green coffee is ground & unroasted . It was ground in a special process , under a mild and cold treatment. O ur special grinding process helps to preserve the valuable ingredients of the green coffee . We work with no additives and...
Content 0.5 kg (15.80€ * / 1 kg)
From 7.90€ *
Organic green coffee ground - 100% Arabica Organic green coffee ground - 100% Arabica
This organic green coffee is unroasted and ground and comes from controlled organic cultivation in accordance with EU regulation (EG No. 834/2007). It was ground in a special process , under a mild and cold treatment. O ur special...
Content 0.5 kg (17.80€ * / 1 kg)
From 8.90€ *
Organic green coffee - finely ground Organic green coffee - finely ground
This organic green coffee is unroasted, ground very finely and comes from controlled organic cultivation in accordance with EU regulation (EG No. 834/2007). It was ground in a special process , under a mild and cold treatment. O ur...
Content 0.2 kg (49.50€ * / 1 kg)
From 9.90€ *